Apollo Hospitals is planning to invest close to Rs 650 crore in West Bengal over a five-year period. The investments will come in the form of a medical college, a gastro-science and liver institute and its second hospital in Kolkata. The ‘Institute of Gastro Sciences and Liver’ with 120 beds will be the first to come up.
The company is also on the lookout for setting up a super-speciality hospital - its second in the city - in the south-western parts. The second hospital will have around 200 beds and will come up at an estimated cost of around Rs 200 crore.
Apollo Hospitals is the leading private sector healthcare provider in Asia and owns and manages a network of speciality hospitals and clinics, a chain of Pharmacy retail outlets across the country, and provides Consultancy Services for commissioning and managing the Speciality Hospitals.
Company Name | CMP |
Apollo Hospital Ent. | 7032.20 |
Max Healthcare Inst | 1149.45 |
Narayana Hrudayalay | 1311.85 |
Aster DM Healthcare | 503.80 |
Global Health | 1073.55 |
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