Tata Steel has inaugurated the second phase of Cold Rolling Mill (CRM) Complex BARA at Jamshedpur on January 5, 2017. During Phase I, the reversing mill of 0.25 MnTPA capacity was installed at CRM BARA to meet the full hard cold rolled (FHCR) requirement of Tata Blue Scope (TBSL).
The phase II expansion of CRM BARA includes installation of 0.3 MnTPA hot rolled skin passing mill (HSPM) to meet the increased demand of Hot-Rolled, Pickled, Skin passed and Oiled products (HRSPO) in the Automotive sector for high-end customers. In order to cater to the input requirement of HSPM, the production capacity of the existing pickling line has also been increased to 0.68 MnTPA from the designed capacity of 0.5 MnTPA.
The phase II expansion facilities boast of automation system designed with state-of-the-art instrumentation and programmable logic controller (PLC) to monitor and control the various parameters for safe and efficient operation, safety features including controlled coil placement, positioning interlocking, process safety interlocks controlled through PLC, hard wired emergency stop switches in control room & in the field for quick isolation/ stoppage of equipment etc.
Tata Steel, the flagship company of the Tata group is the first integrated steel plant in Asia and is now the world’s second most geographically diversified steel producer and a Fortune 500 Company.
Company Name | CMP |
Tata Steel | 127.80 |
JSW Steel | 906.55 |
SAIL | 107.50 |
Jindal Stainless | 625.55 |
Jindal Saw | 258.15 |
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