McNally Bharat Engineering Company has bagged order worth Rs 81.11 crore from Gammon India. As per the order, the company has to construct Behala Bazar, Taratala and Majerhat stations including all related works in Joka- BBD Bag corridor of Kolkata Metro Railway Line.
Recently, the company bagged order worth Rs 103.85 crore from Bharat Heavy Electricals (BHEL). The contract comprises piling, civil, structural and architectural work etc of coal handling plant package and ash handling plant package for 2X250MW units at Barauni TPP, Bengusarai in Bihar. The contractual completion period is 20 months from the date of letter of intent.
McNally Bharat Engineering Company is one of the leading engineering companies. It provides turnkey solutions in areas of power, steel, alumina, material handling, mineral beneficiation, coal washing, ash handling and disposal, port cranes, civic and industrial water supply etc.
Company Name | CMP |
Larsen & Toubro | 3501.15 |
Rail Vikas Nigam | 371.90 |
NCC | 242.65 |
KEC International | 952.65 |
Kalpataru Projects | 1176.80 |
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