Continuing their shopping trend, Rakesh Jhunjhunwala and his wife, Rekha today has bought 26.5 lakh shares of A2Z Maintenance and Engineering Services through open market transactions. The billionaire investor couple bought this stake for around Rs 26 crore. As per the data with the stock exchange - BSE, 5.7 lakh shares were purchased by Jhunjhunwala while his spouse shopped for 6.5 lakh shares of the said entity.
The couple has also purchased shares on the NSE, Jhunjhunwala acquired 14.3 lakh shares amounting to Rs 14.3 crore.
A2Z Maintenance & Engineering Services is currently trading at Rs. 110.70, up by 10.05 points or 9.99% from its previous closing of Rs. 100.65 on the BSE.
The scrip opened at Rs. 104.00 and has touched a high and low of Rs. 111.90 and Rs. 103.30 respectively. So far 1061580 shares were traded on the counter.
The BSE group 'B' stock of face value Rs. 10 has touched a 52 week high of Rs. 286.40 on 25-Jul-2011 and a 52 week low of Rs. 83.70 on 10-May-2012.
Last one week high and low of the scrip stood at Rs. 111.90 and Rs. 96.10 respectively. The current market cap of the company is Rs. 820.03 crore.
The promoters holding in the company stood at 44.68% while Institutions and Non-Institutions held 14.14% and 41.18% respectively.
Company Name | CMP |
Larsen & Toubro | 3603.05 |
Rail Vikas Nigam | 410.20 |
NCC | 259.80 |
KEC International | 1188.80 |
Kalpataru Projects | 1237.15 |
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