KEC International has bagged orders worth Rs 945 crore. Under transmission and distribution business, the company has bagged orders worth Rs 560 crore in India, Sri Lanka and the Americas. It includes turnkey orders from Karnataka Power Transmission Corporation for the construction of 220 kV GIS substations and transmission lines in and around Bengaluru, the company said in a statement.
Another three orders from Power Grid Corporation of India (PGCIL) are for constructing a 220 kV EVH underground cabling system in Chandigarh and a 132 kV transmission line in Arunachal Pradesh. There is also an order from North East Transmission Company for design, engineering, besides various supply orders across India, Sri lanka and Americas.
Under civil business, the company has secured orders worth Rs 227 crore. It includes civil structural work for a 2-MTPA cement grinding unit in Maharashtra, and civil work for a new factory building in Gujarat. It also includes design, engineering and construction of a residential township, cement works and associated civil works for a cement plant in Karnataka.
Moreover, the cable business has secured various supply orders of Rs 158 crore.
KEC International is a global infrastructure EPC major. It has presence in power transmission and distribution, cables, railways, water, renewables and civil.
Company Name | CMP |
Larsen & Toubro | 3535.25 |
Rail Vikas Nigam | 393.30 |
NCC | 251.10 |
KEC International | 975.70 |
Kalpataru Projects | 1204.00 |
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