National Aluminium Company (NALCO) has paid an amount of Rs 546.95 crore as interim dividend to Government of India (GoI). The Navratna PSU, under Ministry of Mines, GoI, has declared an interim dividend of 94%, i.e. Rs 4.70 per share of Rs 5 each, amounting to Rs 908.48 crore for the financial year 2017-18, on the paid-up equity share capital of Rs 966.46 crore. The company has paid a total of Rs 7,273.59 crore as dividend including Rs 5,918.39 crore as share of GoI.
NALCO has the largest integrated alumina-aluminium complex of Asia. Its integrated operations cover the entire aluminium production value chain from mining bauxite, refining alumina, smelting aluminium, captive power generation to a strong logistic network in terms of rail & port facilities, coal mining and handling plant to support its operations and to become one of the most cost-efficient aluminium companies across the globe.
Company Name | CMP |
National Aluminium | 202.30 |
Maan Aluminium | 124.30 |
Arfin India | 32.62 |
Manaksia Aluminium | 30.29 |
Century Extrusions | 23.00 |
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