VA Tech Wabag has bagged orders amounting Rs 520 crore under Namami Gange, repeat order from KMDA and HMEL. The company has been awarded an order for Rs 147 crore by Bihar Urban Infrastructure Development Corporation, under the prestigious Namami Gange scheme (National Mission for Clean Ganga - NMCG) towards design, build and operate 60 MLD Sewage Treatment Plant at Pahari, Patna. The project will be jointly financed by World Bank and NMCG.
The company has won a repeat order for Rs 83 crore towards design, build and operation of 124 MLD Water Treatment Plant (WTP) at Rajpur-Sonarpur in Kolkata from Kolkata Metropolitan Development Authority (KMDA). The plant will be designed using space saving plate settler technology with rapid gravity filters. The project has been awarded under the AMRUT scheme and includes operation and maintenance of 12 months.
Besides, the company has secured an order worth Rs 290 crore from HPCL - Mittal Energy (HMEL) towards design and build of Effluent Treatment Plant at Guru Gobindh Singh Refinery, Bathinda, Punjab. The company will provide state of the art total water treatment solution consisting of RWTP, UF-RO, DM and ETP packages.
VA Tech Wabag is an India-based company engaged in the business of water treatment field. The company's principal activities include design, supply, installation, construction and operational management of drinking water, waste water treatment, industrial water treatment and desalination plants.
Company Name | CMP |
VA Tech Wabag | 1518.30 |
Race Eco Chain | 337.50 |
Antony Waste Hand | 612.25 |
RESGEN | 105.65 |
GEM Enviro | 134.00 |
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