KEC International (KEC), a billion dollar global infrastructure EPC player, has won new orders to the tune of Rs 400 crore. The company has secured three orders aggregating to Rs 200 crore for transmission lines in India, of these two orders are from Private sector customers - CESC & DB Power and one order is from State Utility - Punjab State Transmission Corporation (PSTCL, Patiala).
The CESC’s order is for turnkey construction of 220 kV Multi Circuit Transmission Line from PGCIL's Subhasgram Substation to West Bengal State Electricity Transmission Corporation existing line at Saitala with the completion period of approximately 14 months.
Meanwhile, the DB Power’s order is for turnkey construction of 400 kV Double Circuit Transmission Line for power evacuation from its Baradarha Power Plant, Chattisgarh to PGCIL's 400/765 kV pooling point in Raigarh, Chattisgarh with the total completion period of approximately 12 months.
The PSTCL order is for turnkey construction of 400 kV transmission line from Rajpura to Nakodar in Punjab with the total completion period of approximately 15 months. Moreover, SAE Towers, the company's wholly owned subsidiary, has secured various orders for tower supply in North America and South America worth Rs 150 crore. In addition, the company has won various orders for Power and Telecom Cables worth Rs 50 crore.
Company Name | CMP |
Larsen & Toubro | 3463.50 |
Rail Vikas Nigam | 357.75 |
NCC | 237.20 |
KEC International | 929.85 |
Kalpataru Projects | 1145.65 |
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