Punj Lloyd, infrastructure player has bagged order worth Rs 330 crore from Ministry of Petroleum and Natural Gas for process facilities and utilities at an upcoming crude oil storage cavern in Mangalore. The project is located near Mangalore Refinery and Petrochemicals and is scheduled to be completed within a period of 29 months. Including this contract, the order backlog for the Punj Lloyd Group on a consolidated basis has gone up to Rs 25,739 crore.
As per the order, the project includes engineering, procurement, construction and commissioning of systems for crude oil receipt, pumping out, metering, recirculation, heating, waste water treatment, utilities production, flaring and operation buildings.
Punj Lloyd provides engineering, procurement, construction (EPC) and project management services. It provides services to oil and gas, energy, infrastructure petrochemical, telecom broadband and utilities sectors, among others.
Company Name | CMP |
Larsen & Toubro | 3501.15 |
Rail Vikas Nigam | 371.90 |
NCC | 242.65 |
KEC International | 952.65 |
Kalpataru Projects | 1176.80 |
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