Credit rating agency, CRISIL, has revised its loan recast estimate sharply, to Rs 3.25 lakh crore for 2012-13, against the earlier estimate of Rs 2 lakh crore. As per the rating agency, major portion of the restructuring will be of loans belonging to State power utilities and companies from construction and infrastructure sector. However, CRISIL besides upping the loan re-cast estimate has also cautioned that any significant and sustained deterioration in the asset quality and earnings of these units would dent banks’ credit quality.
Banks have so far restructured loans worth Rs 60,000 crore to state-owned electricity firms, which the ratings agency estimates to swell to Rs. 1.5 trillion by the end of the current fiscal year. Further, the rating agency also added that the proportion of restructured loans in the April 2012-March 2013 period will be high at around 5.7% of banks’ advances.
CRISIL is a global analytical company providing ratings, research, and risk and policy advisory services. The company’s majority shareholder is Standard and Poor’s (S&P). S&P, a part of The McGraw-Hill Companies, is the world’s foremost provider of credit ratings.
Company Name | CMP |
CRISIL | 5769.75 |
ICRA | 6002.85 |
Care Ratings | 1323.10 |
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