BL Kashyap & Sons has won orders worth approximately Rs 460.53 crore. The projects are from various unrelated domestic clients from varied sectors. The projects will be carried out in cities such as Bangalore and Trivandrum. Most projects are expected to be completed in a period of 24 months from the date of award.
The projects include the Concrete and structural package, built up area approximately 8.80 lakh Sq.ft. worth Rs 78.71 crore at Bengaluru; Civil and Finishes work built up area approximately 16 lakh sq.ft. worth Rs 168 crore at Trivandrum; Civil Structure and Finishes work, built up area approximately 8 lakh sq.ft. worth Rs 47 crore at Bengaluru; and Concrete and Block work, Block 3 Parcel 2 (SEZ), built up area approximately 14 Iakhs sq.ft. worth Rs 166.82 crore Bengaluru.
BL Kashyap & Sons is engaged in the business of construction of factories and manufacturing facilities, IT campuses, commercial and residential complexes and malls.
Company Name | CMP |
Dilip Buildcon | 422.00 |
Macrotech Developers | 1124.80 |
NBCC (India) | 86.26 |
Phoenix Mills | 1658.10 |
Ahluwalia Contract(I | 837.55 |
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