The Phoenix Mills has launched phase I of ‘One Bangalore West’ 3 million square foot Residential project in Rajajinagar (Bangalore) on September 7, 2012. The launch received a tremendous response with over 275 apartments (greater than 7 lakh square feet) worth over Rs 530 crore being booked till date. The launch consisted of 5 towers comprising 29 floors each. The average basic sales price exceeded Rs 7,000 per square feet, above our internal estimates.
The project’s elegantly designed mock apartment at the site’s marketing office was extremely well received and the high conversion ratio of potential customers to bookings received was a testament to its unique product designs and value proposition. Further, the sale team continues to receive several enquiries due to the project’s carefully planned marketing strategy and visibility.
The company expects One Bangalore West’s sales momentum to continue positivity and further seen upward progress in price at which further area is expected to be sold. Construction for the project’s phase I is expected to begin within a month’s and excavation for towers 1, 2 and 3 is near complete and towers 4 and 5 in progress.
The Phoenix Mills is engaged in property development in India. Its activities include planning, execution, and marketing of projects, property rental and management, and maintenance and sale of the completed properties.
Company Name | CMP |
Dilip Buildcon | 422.00 |
Macrotech Developers | 1124.80 |
NBCC (India) | 86.26 |
Phoenix Mills | 1658.10 |
Ahluwalia Contract(I | 837.55 |
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