KNR Construction, which had received order worth Rs 580.17 crore from Sadbhav Engineering, dated July 4, 2012, has been revised to Rs 150 crore by reducing the scope of work. Earlier, the order was in respect of rehabilitation and up gradation to two lane with paved shoulders and maintenance of (i)Chhindwara - Linga - Umarnals - Saoner section of NH-26B (from Ch.1000 km to 87.00 km - length 86 Km) including part of Chhindwara by pass (km 23.553 to km 29.275 - length-5.722 km) and (ii) Multai ( km 244.425) upto near Imlinkhera (km 167.700) - length 75.725 km in the state of Madhya Pradesh and Maharashtra to be completed within a period of 36 month from the appointed date.
KNR Construction is an infrastructure development company providing engineering, procurement and construction service across various fast growing sectors, namely, roads and highways, irrigation and urban water infrastructure management.
Company Name | CMP |
Larsen & Toubro | 3596.15 |
Rail Vikas Nigam | 417.50 |
NCC | 265.35 |
KEC International | 1049.00 |
Kalpataru Projects | 1245.55 |
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