Jindal Stainless has received members’ approval to mop up about Rs 1,552 crore by issuing securities to meet its capex need and debt repayment among various others. From the total of Rs 1,552 crore, the company will raise $150 million through issue of equity shares, secured or unsecured debentures and bonds among others in one or more tranches, while, Rs 750 crore would be raised through qualified institutional placement in one or more tranches.
The fund raised would be used for meeting the long-term growth plans including the expansion of the existing facilities, key acquisitions, repayment of debt, working capital requirements and general corporate expenses.
Jindal Stainless manufactures stainless steel slabs, blooms, hot rolled and cold rolled coils, 60% of which are exported worldwide. It has a stainless steel making facility at Hissar and a ferro alloy plant at Vizag.
Company Name | CMP |
Tata Steel | 132.60 |
JSW Steel | 902.70 |
SAIL | 109.70 |
Jindal Stainless | 642.90 |
Jindal Saw | 268.25 |
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