Tata Steel, with the support of Punjab Police, has raided the premises of Classic Wire Products in Mandi Gobindgarh, Fatehgarh Sahib, Punjab, for selling counterfeit Tata Wiron products. The company will continue to actively pursue these efforts in monitoring and acting against any such illegal activities which are impacting its assets and the brand.
Tata Steel strongly condemns the misuse and illegal usage of its trademarks, logos and other intellectual properties. In pursuit of protecting the company’s brand reputation and goodwill, Tata Steel’s brand protection team continuously monitors and acts against entities including counterfeiters which are infringing on Company’s Intellectual property rights.
Tata Steel, the flagship company of the Tata group is the first integrated steel plant in Asia and is now the world’s second most geographically diversified steel producer and a Fortune 500 company.
Company Name | CMP |
Tata Steel | 127.40 |
JSW Steel | 901.15 |
SAIL | 106.00 |
Jindal Stainless | 625.05 |
Jindal Saw | 256.25 |
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