Glittek Granites has informed that the company has reopened its factory with limited working hours based on approvals received from government authorities. The company has already implemented the mandatory protocols and SOPs for all its employees as per the guidelines stipulated by the Ministry of Home Affairs of the Government of India. It has taken adequate steps and safety measures are in place. The company further stated that it has reopened only after completion of mandatory safety check and training of personnel on all matters concerning physical distancing, health and hygiene. Key aspects for training of the employees include, Mandatory self-declaration of good health before joining work, and Mandatory wearing of face masks, hand gloves, body temperature scanning through & frequent sanitization of work-place & products and maintaining the prescribed physical distancing for employees and workers. The impact of disruption of business due to COVID-19 Pandemic as enclosed.
The above information is a part of company’s filings submitted to BSE.
Company Name | CMP |
Kajaria Ceramics | 1047.50 |
Somany Ceramics | 591.60 |
Cera Sanitaryware | 6801.00 |
Asian Granito India | 62.84 |
Pokarna | 1286.75 |
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