Aarti Industries’ long-term contract with a global firm to supply agrochemicals worth Rs 4,000 crore has been cancelled. The company in June 2017 had entered a 10-year contract with a global agrochemical major to supply a high-value agrochemical intermediary with application in herbicides. The contract was expected to generate revenue of about Rs 4,000 crore over the 10-year period.
Upon the triggering of this termination event, the guarding provisions for compensation under the contract come into effect. As a result, the compensation to the company is estimated to be in the range of $120 million (Rs 913 crore) to $130 million (Rs 989 crore).
Aarti Industries is one of the most competitive benzene-based speciality chemical companies in the world. It is a rare instance of a global speciality chemicals company that combines process chemistry competence (recipe focus) with scale-up engineering competence (asset utilization).
Company Name | CMP |
Tata Chemicals | 1015.00 |
SRF | 2672.25 |
Pidilite Inds. | 2958.35 |
Aarti Inds | 413.45 |
Atul | 6916.15 |
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