Ankur Drugs and Pharma has received an approval to raise upto Rs 140 crore by issuing following instruments. The company will raise upto Rs 100.00 crore by way of Non Convertible Warrants and it will also raise upto another Rs 40.00 crore by way of Share Warrants. The company has received an approval at its board meeting held on August 12, 2011.
Recently, Ankur Drugs and Pharma had set up a state of the art facilities in tax free zone at Baddi in Himachal Pradesh. In order to avail the concessions under the Industrial Package announced by the Central Government for the state of Himachal Pradesh the project was slated to be completed on or before March 31, 2010. Due to this the company could not tie up the long term finds and it was forced to raise funds from all available resources for completing the project. The project was technically completed making the company eligible for concessions but it ended up in mismatch of long term and short term resources.
Ankur Drugs and Pharma, formerly the Mridol Pharmaceuticals, was incorporated on February 9, 1995. Currently Ankur manufactures 400 different formulations for different dosage forms - viz tablets, capsules, dry syrups, liquid orals etc. It is currently manufacturing brands like Mox, Cifran, Sporidex, Romilast, Fenak Plus, Omesec-20, Stanhist, Secafe, etc. The company is planning for various international approvals mainly the US FDA and EU MHRA for the Baddi Plant which would help the company to start export business.
Company Name | CMP |
Sun Pharma Inds. | 1752.10 |
Dr. Reddys Lab | 1339.70 |
Cipla | 1444.85 |
Lupin | 2130.00 |
Zydus Lifesciences | 983.40 |
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