Asian Granito India is aiming to clock Rs 2,000 crore revenue in the next two to three years, helped by expansion of sales network in the domestic market and exports. Though the company is anticipating temporary hiccups due to COVID-19 in the short term, it is confident of bouncing back on its growth path in the long term with its focused growth strategy. The company expects that demand from real estate sector could take a little longer to recover but growth in the current fiscal could be driven by demand from the retail sector, especially from rural, tier-II and semi-urban areas, and exports.
Asian Granito India is one of the top four Indian ceramic Companies engaged in the business of manufacturing, and trading of Ceramic Wall, Floor, Vitrified Tiles, Marble & Quartz Headquartered in Gujarat.
Company Name | CMP |
Kajaria Ceramics | 1102.80 |
Somany Ceramics | 634.55 |
Cera Sanitaryware | 7291.15 |
Asian Granito India | 66.61 |
Pokarna | 1193.05 |
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