Adani Gas has cut the prices of CNG and piped cooking gas in various geographical areas in sync with the recent reduction in natural gas rates. Rates have been reduced in Uttar Pradesh, Haryana and Gujarat. CNG price has been reduced by Rs 1.75 per kg in Khurja in Uttar Pradesh to Rs 52.60 and that of piped cooking gas (PNG) to Rs 25.72 per cubic meter from Rs 26.83. In Haryana's Mahendragarh and Faridabad, CNG price has been cut by Rs 1.70 and Rs 1.60 per kg, respectively. The reduction in Ahmedabad/ Vadodara areas in Gujarat is Rs 1.31 per kg.
With the reduction in the already attractive CNG prices, consumers shall now accrue much higher savings as compared to petrol and diesel (up to 50 per cent savings over petrol in some Geographical Areas). The reduction in domestic PNG prices is Rs 1.11 per standard cubic meter (SCM) in Faridabad, Palwal & Khurja and Rs 1.0 per SCM in Ahmedabad and Vadodara Geographical Areas. Adani Gas has city gas distribution network in Ahmedabad, Vadodara in Gujarat, Faridabad in Haryana and Khurja in Uttar Pradesh.
Adani Gas is a wholly owned subsidiary of the Adani Enterprise (AEL) and was incorporated for setting up distribution network in various cities to supply natural gas to industrial, Commercial, Domestic and CNG Customers.
Company Name | CMP |
Gujarat Gas | 507.75 |
Indraprastha Gas | 430.70 |
Mahanagar Gas | 1241.90 |
Adani Total Gas | 703.00 |
Guj. State Petronet | 358.40 |
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