Mazagon Dock Shipbuilders has debuted at Rs 216.25 on the BSE, up by 71.25 points or 49.13% from its issue price of Rs 145.
The scrip is currently trading at Rs 182.80, up by 37.80 points or 26.07% from its issue price. It has touched a high and low of Rs 216.65 and Rs 175.25 respectively. So far 29.48 Lakh shares were traded on the counter.
The offering, which was open for subscription between September 29, 2020 and October 01, 2020, was subscribed nearly 157.4 times. The issue price was fixed at Rs 145 per share i.e. at upper end of price band of Rs 135-145 apiece.
Mazagon Dock Shipbuilders is the India's leading defence public sector undertaking shipyard under the Ministry of Defence. It is primarily engaged in constructing and repairing warships and submarines for the MoD and other types of vessels i.e. cargo ships, multipurpose support vessels, barges and border outposts, tugs, dredgers, water tankers, etc. for commercial clients.
Company Name | CMP |
Mazagon Dock Ship | 2228.50 |
Cochin Shipyard | 1398.85 |
VMS Industries | 35.80 |
Knowledge Marine & E | 1935.55 |
Laxmipati Engineerin | 240.15 |
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