GPT Infraprojects has bagged orders valued at Rs 116.80 crore from Eastern Railway. The company has bagged the first order for construction of composite girder bridge No.132 (Span 7x18.3m over river Dwarika), 141 (Span 3x18.3m) and 143 (Span 3x18.3m) with RCC bored cast in situ piles, retaining wall and protective works and other ancillary works in connection with construction of third line from Sainthia to Tarapith in Howrah division of Eastern Railway. The contract is valued at Rs 25.17 crore and the completion period is 24 months.
The second order bagged by the company is for the construction of open web through Girder Bridges No 144, 141, 138 and 138A, 135, 130, 42 and 10 with RCC bored cast in situ piles, retaining wall and protective works including Earthwork in filling in embankment, blanketing and turfing or its approaches and other ancillary works in between Ahmedpur and Katwa in connection with Gauge conversion work of Ahmedpur-Katwa NG section. The contract is valued at Rs 91.63 crore and the completion period is 24 months.
GPT Infraprojects, the flagship company of the GPT Group was renamed to reflect the core areas of operation of the Company in the execution of civil and infrastructure projects, after the merger of Tantia Concrete Products and GPT Infrastructures. GPT Infraprojects operates primarily from two divisions - the Sleeper Division and the Infrastructure Division.
Company Name | CMP |
Larsen & Toubro | 3501.15 |
Rail Vikas Nigam | 371.90 |
NCC | 242.65 |
KEC International | 952.65 |
Kalpataru Projects | 1176.80 |
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