Berger paints India and Kolkata-based Dhunseri Group are looking at investing around Rs 500 crore at Panagarh industrial park near the industrial township of Durgapur and already sought land for their respective projects. Berger paints India major is contemplating to invest around Rs 100 crore to manufacture construction chemicals and putty. Dhunseri Ventures plans to set up a packaging material unit primarily for food processing, cosmetics, personal care and pharmaceuticals industries at an estimated cost of Rs 400 crore.
Berger has received in-principle approval for 22 acres of land from West Bengal Industrial Development Corporation while Dhunseri Ventures, formerly known as Dhunseri Petrochem which is into petrochemicals business, sought 38 acres in the industrial park.
Berger paints India is the second largest paint company in India.
Company Name | CMP |
Asian Paints | 2329.35 |
Berger Paints India | 462.50 |
Kansai Nerolac Paint | 253.40 |
Akzo Nobel India | 3731.00 |
Indigo Paints | 1308.55 |
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