Lux Industries’ Board of Directors has approved a greenfield expansion plan of Rs 110 crore. The company has already identified a land parcel measuring the construction area of around 4,60,000 Sq.ft of which around 20% to 30% will be used for manufacturing unit and balance for warehousing, storage and finishing facilities. The capex will be completed over next 12-18 months. Company has three major facilities in Kolkata, Tirupur and Ludhiana, are capable of producing more garments than the installed capacity due to the improved efficiency and flexible manufacturing capabilities. Company is also working towards way more flexibility in terms of capacity with enhanced mechanical tools and scientific way of working according to the market demand.
Currently the company is running at full production capacity however the company is also having 3rd party longterm contract to enhance the production capacity and hence company is planning to infuse the capital for supply chain but well supported with the increase in own production capacity also.
Company Name | CMP |
PDS | 564.40 |
Welspun Living | 147.80 |
Vardhman Textiles | 473.90 |
Arvind | 384.40 |
K.P.R. Mill | 960.35 |
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