Ashiana Housing sales bookings jumped more than two-fold to Rs 299.71 crore during the fourth quarter of last fiscal (FY21) as demand recovered. Its sales bookings stood at Rs 145.96 crore in the year-ago period. In volume terms, sales bookings rose sharply to 8.31 lakh sq ft in January-March quarter of last fiscal from 4.14 lakh sq ft in the corresponding period of the previous year.
During the entire 2020-21 financial year, sales booking, however, dropped to Rs 534.7 crore from Rs 671.63 crore in the previous year. In terms of volume, sales bookings fell to 14.98 lakh sq ft last fiscal from 19.82 lakh sq ft in 2019-20.
Ashiana Housing is a real estate development company. It is engaged in building residential and commercial projects. The firm also offers retirement resorts, group housing, hotels, retail and facility management.
Company Name | CMP |
Dilip Buildcon | 421.95 |
Macrotech Developers | 1140.60 |
NBCC (India) | 87.81 |
Phoenix Mills | 1670.35 |
Ahluwalia Contract(I | 851.00 |
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