Carborundum Universal has entered into definitive agreements for acquiring a controlling stake in PLUSS Advanced Technologies (PLUSS), a specialty materials research and manufacturing company, at an initial investment of Rs 115 crore. PLUSS is involved in the fields of Phase Change Materials (PCM) for thermal energy storage and speciality polymeric additives for polymer recycling and enhancing mechanical properties.
PCMs are substances which absorb or release energy during phase transition, from solid to liquid and vice versa. PLUSS plays a key role in the Cold Chain logistics of Sputnik V COVID Vaccines.
Carborundum Universal pioneered the manufacture of Coated Abrasives and Bonded Abrasives in India in addition to the manufacture of Super Refractories, Electro Minerals, Industrial Ceramics and Ceramic Fibres.
Company Name | CMP |
Carborundum Univer. | 1253.15 |
Grindwell Norton | 1873.55 |
Wendt India | 15735.20 |
Alirox Abrasives | |
John Oakey & Mohan Ltd. | |
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