In compliance of SEBI (Listing Obligations and Disclosure Requirements) Regulations, 2015, Longview Tea Company has informed that the Notice of the 142nd Annual General Meeting (‘AGM’) of the shareholders of the Company to be held through Video Conferencing (VC)/ Other Audio Video-Means (OAVM) on Wednesday, the 22nd September, 2021 at 12:00 pm (IST). AGM of the Company is being held through Video Conferencing (VC)/ Other Audio-Visual Means (OAVM) in accordance with the relevant circulars issued by the Ministry of Corporate Affairs, Government of India and Securities and Exchange Board of India. The Notice for the 142nd AGM of the Company is being sent only electronically to those shareholders whose email IDs are registered with the Company/ Registrar and Share Transfer Agent and the Depositories. The aforesaid Notice has also been uploaded on the website of the Company:
The above information is a part of company’s filings submitted to BSE.
Company Name | CMP |
Redington | 202.20 |
Adani Enterprises | 2409.25 |
Amrapali Industries | 17.58 |
Rashi Peripheral | 402.95 |
Compuage Infocom | 3.05 |
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