Force Motors has launched the all new version of its sports utility vehicle Gurkha with price starting at Rs 13.59 lakh (ex-showroom). Customers could pre-book the Gurkha with the dealers by paying Rs 25,000. The first deliveries of the model, which competes with Mahindra Thar, are expected to begin in the second half of the next month. The customers would be able to test drive the Gurkha at the dealerships before mid-October.
Built on a ground-up modular architecture platform, the new Gurkha comes with a BS-VI compliant 2.6 litre (91 HP) diesel engine. The Gurkha 2021 comes with an all-new wider and longer body, full new interiors, a new crash compliant, high strength chassis, new coil spring suspension on all four wheels to achieve the right balance in ride quality on multiple surfaces -- tarmac, rough rural roads and off the road.
Force Motors is a Pune-based commercial vehicle maker. It is a fully vertically integrated automobile company, with expertise in design, development and manufacture of the full spectrum of automotive components, aggregates and vehicles.
Company Name | CMP |
Tata Motors | 790.40 |
Ashok Leyland | 234.00 |
Force Motors | 7322.70 |
Olectra Greentech | 1488.40 |
SML Isuzu | 1466.30 |
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