Rane Madras - Quaterly Results

20 Oct 2021 Evaluate
The sales moved up 45.00% to Rs. 4122.70 millions for the September 2021 quarter as compared to Rs. 2843.20 millions during the year-ago period.A comparatively good net profit growth of 32.50% to Rs. 84.80 millions was reported for the quarter ended September 2021 compared to Rs. 64.00 millions of previous same quarter.Operating Profit saw a handsome growth to 312.30 millions from 292.60 millions in the quarter ended September 2021.

(Rs. in Million)

  Quarter ended Year to Date Year ended
  202109 202009 % Var 202109 202009 % Var 202103 202003 % Var
Sales 4122.70 2843.20 45.00 7120.60 3769.70 88.89 11471.47 11005.28 4.24
Other Income 8.80 13.80 -36.23 76.50 50.00 53.00 39.00 187.07 -79.15
PBIDT 312.30 292.60 6.73 547.70 167.90 226.21 932.27 985.01 -5.35
Interest 48.30 71.50 -32.45 89.00 146.80 -39.37 234.58 319.48 -26.57
PBDT 264.00 221.10 19.40 458.70 21.10 2073.93 72.68 289.78 -74.92
Depreciation 151.60 127.30 19.09 297.10 248.30 19.65 523.03 524.25 -0.23
PBT 112.40 93.80 19.83 161.60 -227.20 -171.13 -450.35 -234.47 92.07
TAX 27.60 29.80 -7.38 39.60 -72.10 -154.92 56.52 9.83 474.97
Deferred Tax -12.20 150.10 -108.13 -17.20 48.20 -135.68 -15.06 -27.07 -44.37
PAT 84.80 64.00 32.50 122.00 -155.10 -178.66 -506.87 -244.30 107.48
Equity 154.20 125.50 22.87 154.20 125.50 22.87 145.65 125.54 16.02
PBIDTM(%) 7.58 10.29 -26.39 7.69 4.45 72.70 8.13 8.95 -9.20

Rane Madras Share Price

592.00 -12.05 (-1.99%)
11-Mar-2025 12:34 View Price Chart
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