Berger Paints has reportedly inked pact with Being Human - The Salman Khan Foundation, a registered charitable trust set up by Salman Khan for helping the cause of the underprivileged. The company has taken this initiative for its flagship Green brand of paint ‘Breathe Easy’ with. The entity will donate Rs 4 to Being Human, for every litre of ‘Breathe Easy’ paint sold, as it has committed to provide Breathe Easy paint to two schools and one hospital supported by Being Human.
The company has reported 6.51% rise in its net profit at Rs 45.80 crore for the quarter ended September 30, 2012 as compared to Rs 43.00 crore for the same quarter in the previous year. Total income of the company has increased by 12.42% at Rs 720.60 crore for quarter under review as compared to Rs 641.00 crore for the quarter ended September 30, 2011.
Company Name | CMP |
Asian Paints | 2334.40 |
Berger Paints India | 461.65 |
Kansai Nerolac Paint | 257.50 |
Akzo Nobel India | 3643.95 |
Indigo Paints | 1330.00 |
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