HSIL - Quaterly Results

28 Oct 2021 Evaluate
The sales figure stood at Rs. 5462.10 millions for the September 2021 quarter. The mentioned figure indicates a growth of about 28.11% as compared to Rs. 4263.50 millions during the year-ago period.Net profit declined -16.62% to Rs. 304.10 millions from Rs. 364.70 millions.The company reported a good operating profit of 907.60 millions compared to 772.60 millions of corresponding previous quarter.

(Rs. in Million)

  Quarter ended Year to Date Year ended
  202109 202009 % Var 202109 202009 % Var 202103 202003 % Var
Sales 5462.10 4263.50 28.11 9623.90 6779.00 41.97 18525.90 18590.70 -0.35
Other Income 198.90 129.00 54.19 236.50 168.40 40.44 279.60 203.00 37.73
PBIDT 907.60 772.60 17.47 1554.40 1056.80 47.09 3080.60 2913.60 5.73
Interest 167.90 191.10 -12.14 327.80 383.40 -14.50 718.80 734.80 -2.18
PBDT 739.70 581.50 27.21 1226.60 673.40 82.15 2361.80 2178.80 8.40
Depreciation 274.00 248.00 10.48 589.00 602.90 -2.31 1213.60 1428.80 -15.06
PBT 465.70 333.50 39.64 637.60 70.50 804.40 1148.20 750.00 53.09
TAX 161.60 -31.20 -617.95 220.90 -120.70 -283.02 267.60 265.80 0.68
Deferred Tax 23.30 115.90 -79.90 24.60 26.40 -6.82 254.20 265.80 -4.36
PAT 304.10 364.70 -16.62 416.70 191.20 117.94 880.60 484.20 81.87
Equity 129.40 144.60 -10.51 129.40 144.60 -10.51 129.40 144.60 -10.51
PBIDTM(%) 16.62 18.12 -8.31 16.15 15.59 3.61 16.63 15.67 6.10

AGI Greenpac Share Price

749.25 -15.60 (-2.04%)
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