A decent increase of about 27.22% in the sales to Rs. 2813.95 millions was observed for the quarter ended September 2021. The sales figure stood at Rs. 2211.95 millions during the year-ago period.The Net Profit of the company registered a slight decline of -13.64% to Rs. 89.54  millions from Rs. 103.68 millions.The company reported a good operating profit of 195.22 millions compared to 193.56 millions of corresponding previous quarter.

(Rs. in Million)

  Quarter ended Year to Date Year ended
  202109 202009 % Var 202109 202009 % Var 202103 202003 % Var
Sales 2813.95 2211.95 27.22 5883.22 4029.08 46.02 10971.43 10201.01 7.55
Other Income 3.87 5.28 -26.70 8.00 5.80 37.93 126.23 360.91 -65.02
PBIDT 195.22 193.56 0.86 651.09 506.11 28.65 1701.56 1004.96 69.32
Interest 30.42 22.75 33.71 58.23 45.71 27.39 119.05 116.62 2.08
PBDT 164.80 170.81 -3.52 592.86 460.40 28.77 1582.51 888.34 78.14
Depreciation 93.85 52.85 77.58 187.66 112.73 66.47 225.60 239.52 -5.81
PBT 70.95 117.96 -39.85 405.20 347.67 16.55 1356.91 648.82 109.14
TAX -18.59 14.28 -230.18 60.58 78.04 -22.37 320.28 67.57 374.00
Deferred Tax -25.76 7.34 -450.95 -11.46 17.13 -166.90 40.23 -46.11 -187.25
PAT 89.54 103.68 -13.64 344.62 269.63 27.81 1036.63 581.25 78.34
Equity 282.36 282.36 0.00 282.36 282.36 0.00 282.36 282.36 0.00
PBIDTM(%) 6.94 8.75 -20.72 11.07 12.56 -11.90 15.51 9.85 57.43

Gallantt Ispat-Amalg Share Price

63.80 0.00 (0.00%)
03-Jun-2022 18:01 View Price Chart
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