ICRA has placed the ‘A’ and ‘A1’ ratings outstanding against the Rs 4,315 crore bank lines and commercial paper programme (CPP) of Zuari Agro Chemicals (ZACL) under watch with developing implications. The ratings have been placed on watch as ZACL has signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) with Ras Al Khaimah (RAK) Maritime City to set up a $800 million integrated diammonium phosphate (DAP) manufacturing facility in RAK Maritime City (UAE).
The credit rating agency has noted that the project size is significant in relation to the balance sheet size (Rs 4,667 crore as on March 31, 2012) and net worth position (Rs 785 crore as on March 31, 2012) and hence will have an influence on the credit profile of the company depending on its direct exposure to the project.
Zuari Agro Chemicals (erstwhile Zuari Holdings) constitutes the fertiliser operations of the Adventz Group following the demerger of Zuari Industries. It is a part of the K K Birla Group. In April 2011, the Bombay High Court (Goa bench) approved the demerger of ZIL’s fertilizer business into Zuari Holdings (later renamed as Zuari Agro Chemicals).
Company Name | CMP |
National Fertilizers | 117.75 |
Coromandel Interntl. | 1966.05 |
Chambal Fert & Chem | 497.25 |
RCF | 178.35 |
Paradeep Phosphates | 119.20 |
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