The quarter ended December 2021 witnessed marginal change in the total revenue. The figure for the mentioned quarter is pegged at Rs. 6308.29 millions.A big decline of -57.95% was reported for the quarter ended December 2021 to Rs. 113.12  millions from Rs. 269.00 millions of corresponding previous quarter.Operating profit for the quarter ended December 2021 decreased to 258.51 millions as compared to 445.89 millions of corresponding quarter ended December 2020.

(Rs. in Million)

  Quarter ended Year to Date Year ended
  202112 202012 % Var 202112 202012 % Var 202103 202003 % Var
Sales 6308.29 6120.24 3.07 15857.07 10802.42 46.79 18209.40 16949.87 7.43
Other Income 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
PBIDT 258.51 445.89 -42.02 668.70 1210.87 -44.78 1493.46 1007.53 48.23
Interest 69.27 61.95 11.82 186.51 165.48 12.71 229.06 211.52 8.29
PBDT 189.24 383.94 -50.71 482.19 1045.39 -53.87 1264.40 796.01 58.84
Depreciation 32.29 23.73 36.07 66.33 69.82 -5.00 94.70 101.85 -7.02
PBT 156.95 360.21 -56.43 415.86 975.57 -57.37 1169.70 694.16 68.51
TAX 43.83 91.21 -51.95 110.25 247.21 -55.40 303.87 237.60 27.89
Deferred Tax 2.70 -0.92 -393.48 1.92 -3.16 -160.76 -2.63 42.54 -106.18
PAT 113.12 269.00 -57.95 305.61 728.36 -58.04 865.83 456.56 89.64
Equity 137.20 137.20 0.00 137.20 137.20 0.00 137.20 137.20 0.00
PBIDTM(%) 4.10 7.29 -43.75 4.22 11.21 -62.38 8.20 5.94 37.98

Thangamayil Jeweller Share Price

1765.05 -1.85 (-0.10%)
17-Mar-2025 10:25 View Price Chart
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