Bosch is all set to invest more than Rs 1,000 crore in the localisation of advanced automotive technologies over the next five years. The company also launched its mobility marketplace to provide its mobility-related assets under one platform. The company will continue to invest heavily in India to expand its portfolio close to seven per cent of total net sales.
Backed by the biggest R&D team outside Germany - Bosch's Beyond Mobility business works to the highest international standards of manufacturing, product, and service quality to formulate indigenous, affordable, and India-specific innovations.
Bosch is a leading supplier of technology and services in the areas of Mobility Solutions, Industrial Technology, Consumer Goods, and Energy and Building Technology in India. Additionally, Bosch has in India the largest development center outside Germany, for end to end engineering and technology solutions.
Company Name | CMP |
SamvardhanaMotherson | 149.40 |
TVS Holdings | 9561.95 |
Bosch | 31472.15 |
UNO Minda | 1058.45 |
Endurance Tech | 2075.55 |
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