B L Kashyap and Sons has been awarded new projects worth Rs 461.32 crore. The company has received first project for Civil and structural work of Commercial space at Gurugram Haryana worth Rs 311.43 crores, the second project is for Main Civil Work & coordination scope of Services at Tumkur Road, Bangalore worth Rs 127.40 crore and the third project is for Civil Works at Elan Empire, Sec-66, Gurugram (Haryana) worth Rs 22.49 crore. The new projects is to carry out Civil and Structural work in cities Gurugram and Bangalore in the coming months.
With this new addition to the order books, at the moment, the total order inflow for the FY 2021-22 stands at Rs 1217.49 crore. As the industry continues to get back on its feet, the company looks forward to building more structures that will add more value by defining technological innovations and implementing contemporary construction methods.
B. L. Kashyap and Sons (BLK) is one of the leading Construction, Infrastructure and Civil Engineering companies in India. The pan-India presence of organization has enabled the company to service the growing infrastructure needs throughout India. It specialises in undertaking major industrial, residential and commercial projects.
Company Name | CMP |
Dilip Buildcon | 422.00 |
Macrotech Developers | 1124.80 |
NBCC (India) | 86.26 |
Phoenix Mills | 1658.10 |
Ahluwalia Contract(I | 837.55 |
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