The topline for the March 2022 quarter moved up 97.75% to Rs. 658.30 millions as compared to Rs. 332.89 millions during the year-ago period.Net Profit for the quarter ended March 2022 zoomed to 4607.55% from Rs. 1.59 millions to Rs. 74.85  millions.Operating Profit saw a handsome growth to 114.56 millions from 12.22 millions in the quarter ended March 2022.

(Rs. in Million)

  Quarter ended Year to Date Year ended
  202203 202103 % Var 202203 202103 % Var 202203 202103 % Var
Sales 658.30 332.89 97.75 1801.82 1178.15 52.94 1801.82 1178.15 52.94
Other Income 11.60 8.46 37.12 33.54 23.95 40.04 33.54 23.95 40.04
PBIDT 114.56 12.22 837.48 227.70 119.04 91.28 227.70 119.04 91.28
Interest 3.52 3.08 14.29 10.74 21.64 -50.37 10.74 21.64 -50.37
PBDT 111.04 9.14 1114.88 216.96 97.40 122.75 216.96 97.40 122.75
Depreciation 6.22 6.06 2.64 25.79 25.10 2.75 25.79 25.10 2.75
PBT 104.82 3.08 3303.25 191.17 72.30 164.41 191.17 72.30 164.41
TAX 29.97 1.49 1911.41 50.76 17.10 196.84 50.76 17.10 196.84
Deferred Tax 0.86 0.74 16.22 2.91 1.42 104.93 2.91 1.42 104.93
PAT 74.85 1.59 4607.55 140.41 55.20 154.37 140.41 55.20 154.37
Equity 38.13 38.13 0.00 38.13 38.13 0.00 38.13 38.13 0.00
PBIDTM(%) 17.40 3.67 374.06 12.64 10.10 25.07 12.64 10.10 25.07

Shilchar Tech Share Price

5270.20 123.65 (2.40%)
28-Mar-2025 16:59 View Price Chart
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Siemens 5276.25
Havells India 1527.65
Apar Inds 5537.60
Waaree Energies 2446.45
ABB India 5542.55
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