McNally Bharat Engineering Company has secured two orders worth aggregating Rs 72.04 crore. The company has bagged a contract worth Rs 59.04 crore for supply, civil works and erection & commissioning services for a paste fill Plant at Rahjasthan. The contractual delivery period is within 12 months. The second order is for civil, water supply, sanitary and plumbing work for office building at Kolkata for a value of Rs 13 crore. The contractual delivery period is within 10 months.
Recently, the company bagged order worth Rs 11.12 crore from NMDC. The order was for supply, erection and commissioning of one number Lump Ore Reclaimer including initial spares to Donimalai Project.
McNally Bharat Engineering Company is one of the leading engineering companies. It provides turnkey solutions in areas of power, steel, alumina, material handling, mineral beneficiation, coal washing, ash handling and disposal, port cranes, civic and industrial water supply etc.
Company Name | CMP |
Larsen & Toubro | 3501.15 |
Rail Vikas Nigam | 371.90 |
NCC | 242.65 |
KEC International | 952.65 |
Kalpataru Projects | 1176.80 |
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