KEC International, a global infrastructure EPC major, has secured new orders worth over Rs 715 crore from Power Grid Corporation of India. The company has secured first order worth Rs 286 crore for Supply and Erection of 800 kV HVDC between Champa Pooling Station - Kurukshetra Transmission Line (Western Region Portion - Part 1) in Chhattisgarh on turnkey basis. The total line length is 145 kilometers. The company has secured second order worth Rs 386 crore for Supply and Erection of 800 kV HVDC between Champa Pooling Station - Kurukshetra Transmission Line (Western Region Portion - Part 2) in Chhattisgarh on turnkey basis. The total line length is 232 kilometers. The company has secured third order worth Rs 43 crore orders for supply of Power and Telecom Cables.
The fourth order is worth Rs 602 crore from Bhawan Engineering Company LLC in Oman. As per the order the company will design, supply and erection of 400 kV transmission line from Sur to lzki grid station on turnkey basis. The fifth order is worth Rs 131 crore from Upper Tamakosni Hydropower. As per the order the company will supply and erection of transmission line and substation on turnkey basis, the total line length is 49 kilometers.
Finally, the company has secured various orders for supply of lattice towers and poles to Brazil, Mexico and United States. The total value of these orders is Rs 63 crore.
KEC International is global infrastructure Engineering, Procurement and Construction (EPC) major. It has presence in the verticals of power transmission, power systems, cables, railways, telecom and water.
Company Name | CMP |
Larsen & Toubro | 3535.25 |
Rail Vikas Nigam | 393.30 |
NCC | 251.10 |
KEC International | 975.70 |
Kalpataru Projects | 1204.00 |
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