Artefact Projects has bagged total order around Rs 30.72 crore. The company has bagged order for design, review & supervision of construction of 4 laning of 3 proiects being sections of NH 62, in the State of Rajasthan and sections of NH-19, NH-44 and NH-82 in the State of Uttar Pradesh. The company has secured order for consultancy services as supervision consultants for O & M and various other repair works and Periodical Renewal of Sections on NH-44 and consultancy services for preparation of DPR for construction of Guwahati Ring Road around 72.45 km length under Bharatmala pariyojana in the State of Assam.
The total aggregate fees of the new assignments is around Rs 30.72 crore which can result in additional annual revenue of around Rs 9 crore per annum for next 3 years.
Artefact Projects provides project management services for highways, airports & urban development projects. The company has a global presence and reach of services.
Company Name | CMP |
Mold-Tek Tech | 191.90 |
Dhruv Consultancy Se | 118.30 |
Artefact Projects | 80.51 |
DRA Consultants | 38.50 |
DMR Hydro & Infra | 165.95 |
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