EaseMyTrip has unveiled a mega sale on the flight, railway, bus and hotel bookings, to celebrate the company’s 14th Anniversary. The mega sale will include irresistible deals across verticals and will span over 4 days, starting from June 22, 2022 till June 25, 2022. The sale will see participation from several airlines and hotel partners and will include deals from partnered banks for those purchasing with select credit cards. The company also expects a 20-25% increase in traffic during the course of the sale.
As a part of the sale, customers will be offered fantastic discounts on domestic and international flights as well on international and domestic hotels, and bus bookings. Customers can avail a flat 14% off up to Rs 2,022 for domestic flight bookings with a minimum value of Rs 5000, and a flat 10% off up to Rs 10,000 for international flight bookings with a minimum value of Rs 7500. Customers can also avail flat 20% up to Rs 5,000 for domestic hotels and flat 20% up to Rs 10,000 for international hotels for minimum booking values of Rs 1000 and Rs 2000 respectively. For bus bookings, customers can avail flat 15% up to Rs 500 for a minimum value of Rs 500. These offers can be availed by simply using the code: ANNIVERSARY via Credit Card.
Easy Trip Planners (EaseMyTrip) is the second largest online travel agency in India in terms of gross revenue.
Company Name | CMP |
IRCTC | 759.75 |
Transcorp Intl. | 30.93 |
Thomas Cook (India) | 163.55 |
TBO Tek | 1698.85 |
Le Travenues Techno | 142.95 |
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