Bosch India has inaugurated its first smart campus. The company is expanding its AIoT activities in India by transforming its headquarters in Adugodi, Bengaluru, into a new smart campus called Spark.NXT. Over the last five years, Bosch has invested Rs 800 crore in developing the campus, which has the capacity to potentially house 10,000 associates. The 76-acre site is Bosch’s first smart campus in India and features multiple smart solutions based on sustainability, security, and user experience for associates, visitors, and facility management.
As an AIoT company, Bosch India leveraged its world-class AI, IoT, automation, and digitalisation capabilities to develop its smart campus in pursuit of its vision for a sustainable, self-reliant, and future-ready India. To further enhance its R&D capabilities for the new way of working, Bosch India has also trained over 10,000 associates through a comprehensive reskilling initiative over the past 2 years.
Bosch is a leading supplier of technology and services in the areas of Mobility Solutions, Industrial Technology, Consumer Goods, and Energy and Building Technology in India. Additionally, Bosch has in India the largest development center outside Germany, for end to end engineering and technology solutions.
Company Name | CMP |
SamvardhanaMotherson | 149.40 |
TVS Holdings | 9561.95 |
Bosch | 31472.15 |
UNO Minda | 1058.45 |
Endurance Tech | 2075.55 |
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