The turnover for the June 2022 quarter moved up 61.20% to Rs. 2722.80 millions as compared to Rs. 1689.10 millions during the year-ago period.Net Profit witnessed a 130.13% growth almost the double from Rs. 70.70 millions to Rs. 162.70  millions  of same quarter last year.The company reported a good operating profit of 298.90 millions compared to 198.00 millions of corresponding previous quarter.

(Rs. in Million)

  Quarter ended Year to Date Year ended
  202206 202106 % Var 202206 202106 % Var 202203 202103 % Var
Sales 2722.80 1689.10 61.20 2722.80 1689.10 61.20 10211.80 8232.60 24.04
Other Income 18.30 30.80 -40.58 18.30 30.80 -40.58 123.20 101.20 21.74
PBIDT 298.90 198.00 50.96 298.90 198.00 50.96 1514.50 1231.60 22.97
Interest 0.00 6.90 0.00 0.00 6.90 0.00 21.10 16.90 24.85
PBDT 298.90 191.10 56.41 298.90 191.10 56.41 1493.40 1214.70 22.94
Depreciation 81.70 92.90 -12.06 81.70 92.90 -12.06 352.20 375.90 -6.30
PBT 217.20 98.20 121.18 217.20 98.20 121.18 1141.20 838.80 36.05
TAX 54.50 27.50 98.18 54.50 27.50 98.18 292.00 200.40 45.71
Deferred Tax -0.50 -0.70 -28.57 -0.50 -0.70 -28.57 2.10 -4.60 -145.65
PAT 162.70 70.70 130.13 162.70 70.70 130.13 849.20 638.40 33.02
Equity 129.00 128.70 0.23 129.00 128.70 0.23 128.90 128.50 0.31
PBIDTM(%) 10.98 11.72 -6.35 10.98 11.72 -6.35 14.83 14.96 -0.86

Kirloskar Pneumatic Share Price

1202.80 22.75 (1.93%)
27-Mar-2025 16:59 View Price Chart
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KSB 722.35
Elgi Equipments 490.30
Dynamatic Tech 6220.75
Kirloskar Pneumatic 1202.80
Shakti Pumps (I) 981.20
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