Kanani Industries - Quaterly Results

06 Aug 2022 Evaluate
A decent increase of about 52.23% in the turnover to Rs. 245.60 millions was observed for the quarter ended June 2022. The turnover stood at Rs. 161.33 millions during the similar quarter previous year.The Net Profit of the company reported a remarkable increase of 139.25% to Rs. 2.56  millions  from Rs. 1.07 millions in previous same quarter.The company reported a good operating profit of 4.93 millions compared to 3.73 millions of corresponding previous quarter.

(Rs. in Million)

  Quarter ended Year to Date Year ended
  202206 202106 % Var 202206 202106 % Var 202203 202103 % Var
Sales 245.60 161.33 52.23 245.60 161.33 52.23 845.63 771.65 9.59
Other Income 1.25 3.22 -61.18 1.25 3.22 -61.18 11.66 9.11 27.99
PBIDT 4.93 3.73 32.17 4.93 3.73 32.17 19.92 17.57 13.38
Interest 1.68 2.28 -26.32 1.68 2.28 -26.32 7.83 11.39 -31.26
PBDT 3.25 1.45 124.14 3.25 1.45 124.14 12.09 6.18 95.63
Depreciation 0.18 0.18 0.00 0.18 0.18 0.00 0.90 0.93 -3.23
PBT 3.07 1.27 141.73 3.07 1.27 141.73 11.19 5.25 113.14
TAX 0.51 0.20 155.00 0.51 0.20 155.00 1.87 0.82 128.05
Deferred Tax 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
PAT 2.56 1.07 139.25 2.56 1.07 139.25 9.32 4.43 110.38
Equity 98.93 98.93 0.00 98.93 98.93 0.00 98.93 98.93 0.00
PBIDTM(%) 2.01 2.31 -13.18 2.01 2.31 -13.18 2.36 2.28 3.46

Kanani Industries Share Price

2.25 -0.01 (-0.44%)
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