Anupam Rasayan India has informed that it enclosed intimation as under Regulation 30 Of SEBI (Listing Obligations And Disclosure Requirements) Regulations, 2015. In reference to earlier communication dated 11th September 2022 with respect to fire incident at plant in Sachin GIDC. The fire, according to the monitoring carried by Gujarat Pollution Control Board (‘GPCB’), may have led to liberation of VOCs which have affected the air quality in the nearby area. As a consequence, GPCB has issued directions for closure of the plant. The Company has been directed by GPCB for payment of ? 1 crore as an interim environmental damage compensation. The company seeks to comply to the directions of GPCB and shall submit the compliance report. The Company is taking all measures to restart the plant at the earliest. Based on initial assessment of internal investigation committee, there will not be major financial impact due to this incident. The company adhere to the best environment, health and safety standards, and will continue to place employee safety as its highest priority.
The above information is a part of company’s filings submitted to BSE.