EaseMyTrip has launched its grand festive season offer, the Travel Utsav Sale. The eye-catching deals will be active for 11 days, from the October 6-16, 2022. The sale will be live on the official website and app of EaseMyTrip from October 06, 2022. The sales will pack a bountiful basket of discounts on international and domestic flights, hotels, cabs, trains, buses, cruises, and holiday packages.
Customers can avail discounts of up to 14% and 10% on domestic and international flights, respectively. For hotel bookings, a discount of up to 40% and 25% can be availed on domestic and international hotels, respectively. The company is also offering discounted fares on cabs, with fetching deals up to 14% off, on buses up to 25%, on train bookings of up to 10% off. Lastly, EaseMyTrip also delights its customers by offering holiday packages starting at Rs 7,900 per person and Cruise packages starting at Rs 26,500 per person.
Easy Trip Planners (EaseMyTrip) is the second largest online travel agency in India in terms of gross revenue.
Company Name | CMP |
IRCTC | 759.75 |
Transcorp Intl. | 30.93 |
Thomas Cook (India) | 163.55 |
TBO Tek | 1698.85 |
Le Travenues Techno | 142.95 |
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