Welspun India is eyeing revenue to cross the Rs 15,000 crore-mark by FY26, growing around 60 per cent in the next three years. The firm, which also operates in segments such as flooring solutions, advanced textiles, retail, hospitality, and wellness is looking at multiple drivers for growth in the domestic market besides strengthening the export market.
It is strengthening its core business in the bath and bed sheet segment and is foraying into blankets and throws in North America (NA). Besides, it is increasing its reach by expanding brand and license business share in key markets such as NA, UK, EU, SEA (South East Asia).
Welspun India is one of the largest manufacturers and exporters of bed & bath textile products globally. The company’s portfolio comprises wide range of home textile products such as terry towels, bed linen (basic bedding and decorative bedding) rugs and bathrobes.
Company Name | CMP |
PDS | 607.75 |
Welspun Living | 163.40 |
Vardhman Textiles | 509.20 |
Arvind | 409.60 |
K.P.R. Mill | 1024.20 |
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