Coal India (CIL) and the four central trade unions (CTUs) -- BMS, HMS, AITUC and CITU have signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) recommending 19% Minimum Guaranteed Benefit (MGB) to its 2.38 lakh non-executive employees as part of the ongoing National Coal Wage Agreement. MGB of 19% is on the emoluments as of June 30, 2021 which include basic pay, variable dearness allowance, special dearness allowance and attendance bonus.
The Telangana based Singareni Collieries Company (SCCL) is the other signatory to the MoU. A total of around 2.82 lakh employees of both the state owned coal entities, CIL and SCCL, who were on the rolls of the company as of July 1, 2021, would be the beneficiaries. SCCL’s employees account for close to 44,000.
The four CTUs have taken a lead in finalizing the MGB amicably. CIL is having a harmonious industrial relations and the unions are also cognizant of the importance of achieving the current’s fiscal’s production target.
Coal India is the world’s largest coal mining company. It also produces non-coking coal and coking coal of various grades for diverse applications.
Company Name | CMP |
Coal India | 393.90 |
NMDC | 67.66 |
GMDC | 326.45 |
MOIL | 348.80 |
Sandur Manganese | 434.05 |
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