Kirloskar Oil Engines' promoter entities have sold 17.71 per cent stake in the company for Rs 825 crore through open market transactions. The promoter and promoter group which offloaded the shares include Jyotsna Gautam Kulkarni, Ambar Gautam Kulkarni and Nihal Gautam Kulkarni.
According to the block deal data available with the National Stock Exchange (NSE), the promoter and promoter group sold a total of 2,56,22,987 shares, amounting to 17.71 per cent stake in the company. The shares were sold at an average price of Rs 322 each scrip, taking the total transaction value to Rs 825.06 crore.
Nomura Trust and Banking Co., Societe Generale, Sageone Investment Managers LLP, the Regents of the University of California, BNP Paribas Arbitrage, Max Life Insurance Company and DSP Mutual Fund, among others, were the buyers of the shares.
Kirloskar Oil Engines, a flagship company of the Kirloskar group, is a leader in the manufacturing of diesel engines, farm equipment and generator sets with a sizable presence in international markets.
Company Name | CMP |
BHEL | 198.40 |
Thermax | 3690.00 |
Kirloskar Oil Eng | 925.10 |
GMM Pfaudler | 1199.25 |
Praj Industries | 711.95 |
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