Ln Industries India has informed that the Monitoring Committee in their meeting held on Monday, 01st May, 2023 has taken on record the following: Appointed the following persons as directors on the Board of the Company: Ashok Kumar Buddharaju (DIN:- 03389822), Director and Non-Executive, Anitha Alokam, (DIN:- 07309591), Director and Non-Executive; Further the Committee has taken on record the deemed resignation of the following existing directors of the Company pursuant to the orders of the NCLT dated 24th March, 2023; Garlapati Laxma Reddy- Managing Director, Shailesh Shivram Mistry- Director, Sneha Rupesh Talreja- Director, Kumar Reddy Madhu Lattupalli- Director. The details required under Regulation 30 of the Listing Regulations read with SEBI Circular No. CIR/CFD/CMD/4/20 15 dated 9th September, 2015 is given in the enclosed Annexures. The Committee Meeting commenced at 5.30 PM and concluded at 6.45 PM.
The above information is a part of company’s filings submitted to BSE.